If you're having trouble making your monthly student loan payments, then consolidation may be the right option for you. Federal student loan consolidation allows you to combine one or more existing student loans into a single new loan with a new repayment schedule.
You'll have lower monthly payments, but you will pay much higher interest over the life of the loan because you'll be making smaller payments over a longer time.
Visit the: Federal Direct Loan Consolidation Information Center to get more details and apply for a consolidation loan.
College Student Loans:
If you graduated from college with debt, you are not alone. The majority of seniors now graduate with a substantial amount of debt, which forces many graduates to face a harsh financial reality once college is over. Especially for those with multiple loans, monthly student loan payments can quickly become a huge financial burden. You might find yourself struggling just to keep track of your various loan payments. If you have many student loans, you have to worry about making different payments to multiple creditors on different days of the month. In addition to the expense of student loans, this is an incredible hassle. If you find yourself in this situation, a college student loan consolidation program can make your payments manageable and affordable again.
Student Loan Consolidation:
Our student loan consolidation service combines your many student loans into one easy loan. You then make one monthly payment to one creditor. For federal student loan holders, our college student loan consolidation program is free. Our college student loan consolidation program is ideal for those with many loans or high interest rates. You can even extend the repayment period of your loans with student loan consolidation. Here are a few benefits you can expect from our college student loan consolidation program:
- Reduce monthly payments by as much as 60%
- Save thousands by lowering interest rates
- No credit checks or co-signers required for federal consolidation
- Flexible repayment options
- Extend repayment time to up to 30 years
- No application or origination fees
- Complete entire process online with electronic signature technology
- Retain federal borrower benefits
Apply for the College Student Loan Consolidation Program Now:
You can reduce the hassle and expense of student loan payments with our convenient college student loan consolidation program. Just click "apply now" wherever you see it on our site to fill out our short, easy application. You do not need to know the details of your loans to complete the application. Once we receive your application, we will contact you within 15 minutes if you apply between 8 AM-10 PM EST.
Read about: how consolidating your student loans works!
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